One of the organisational goals of the Netherlands institute of Sound and Vision is to become an OAIS-compliant trustworthy digital archive. This document focuses on the Storage-functions within the OAIS-model and what measures and strategies need to be in place in order to fulfill the guidelines related to storage as described in ISO-16363. This document also surveys the different storage systems that are part of the infrastructure at Sound and Vision and presents a gap analysis between the normative functions and guidelines related to storage on the one hand and the technical possibilities and limitations of our storage infrastructure on the other hand. There are important differences between storage management solutions and the storage function within the OAIS-model. Most storage-related technological solutions have ways of ensuring files won’t get corrupted or objects getting properly backed up which is comparable to the goals of digital preservation. On the other hand these systems often present an abstraction layer that hides the technical details from the user whereas being able to prove objects are handled correctly, is one of the most important points of digital preservation. When these concerns aren’t properly adressed risks that might endanger the preservational goals are corruption of the digital objects, loss of trustworthiness or degradation of services. Our main storage management system is DivArchive. This system handles ingest of the digital objects (MXF, DPX and WAV), manages tape groups and enforces a storage plan so backup copies are created. The files are stored within the open AXF-format. Our storage management system has OAIS-compliant ways of ensuring integity on ingest and when creating copies. On the other hand the system can not be used to monitor bitrot other than during migrations and copy-events which is currently also the only feasible way of monitoring bitrot considering the volume of storage data that needs to be checked. Preservation metadata stored in DivArchive needs to be extracted and used to create a complete set of preservation metadata. To achieve this data from DivArchive needs to be combined with some of the events and technical metadata as provided by our new MAM-system. When this system is implemented this document also needs to be reviewed and updated.