Weblogs are a difficult source to archive. This is because they are a dynamic source with a very fluid nature; they are rich in references to other sources; and they have intricate internal structures with, in most cases, large archives. If a weblog is not archived all in one go, the website can become fragmented and problematic for researchers: elements might be missing or have been replaced by sections from other versions of the archived (or even online) weblog. It is up to Dutch archives to ensure that a weblog in its entire context is archived as completely as possible, within the bounds of Dutch law. At the same time, it is up to researchers to develop good source criticism and be aware of the problems involved in working with an archived weblog and the ephemeral nature of the internet. For those who rise to these challenges, weblogs offer fantastic opportunities for different types of studies, from close reading to distant reading, and even source code research.

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Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision
Tijdschrift voor Mediageschiedenis

Geldermans, Iris. (2019). We blog: de casus van weblogs in webarchieven. Tijdschrift voor Mediageschiedenis, 22(1), 85–102. doi:10.18146/tmg.438