The Dutch film magazine and the marketIn the United States, fan magazines formed an integral part of the film industry from the early 1910s onwards. The reciprocal relationship between film press and the cinema trade in a small country such as the Netherlands has hardly been studied. This contribution explores the history of the film magazine in the context of the Dutch film industry (circa 1920-1960). The most flourishing era of the film magazine was during the interwar years. Entrepreneur Pier Westerbaan combined the roles of journalist, publisher and printer in producing the fan magazine Cinema en theater, a trade journal, as well as many other printed materials such as programmes, posters and periodicals. His good network in the cinema business community, and the broad, general interest formula of his fan magazine both contributed to Westerbaan's success. The period after World War II proved to be less prosperous: popular film periodicals had relatively short lifespans, and after 1952 no Dutch fan magazine of substance appeared for decades. Further to the fan magazines aimed at the general movie-going audiences, more marginal, specialized journals have appeared since the 1920s, targeted at specific niche markets of cinephiles and Catholics. These journals did not have strong ties to the Dutch cinema industry as a commercial undertaking.

Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision
Tijdschrift voor Mediageschiedenis

van Oort, Thunnis. (2010). Het Nederlandse filmtijdschrift en de markt. Tijdschrift voor Mediageschiedenis, 13(2), 157–174. doi:10.18146/tmg.581