Among the female war reporters of the First World War, Annie Christitch stands out as a journalist, lecturer and Catholic suffragist whose biography and career transcended national boundaries. Of Irish-Serbian descent, she was raised in a renowned family in Belgrade and St Petersburg, went to university in London and became fluent in several languages. During the war, she acted as correspondent for the London Daily Express and as a nurse and relief worker in Serbia, where she was subsequently detained by the Austro-Hungarian occupying forces. Christitch produced intimate eyewitness accounts that helped spread knowledge about the appalling war conditions in Serbia, Britain’s smallest ally. In 1915, she raised money and equipment for Serbian hospitals through a campaign in the Daily Express and public lectures in Britain and Ireland. Her war stories were reprinted in newspapers in the United States and the British Empire and newspapers around the world reported on her charitable work in Serbia.

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Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision
Tijdschrift voor Mediageschiedenis

Seul, Stephanie. (2021). Transcending Boundaries: Daily Express Correspondent Annie Christitch’s Reporting from First World War Serbia. Tijdschrift voor Mediageschiedenis, 24(1-2), 1–38. doi:10.18146/tmg.791