The TV industry has traditionally relied on advertising and subscription fees for revenue. Recently, brand extensions and co-branding strategies have been rediscovered as income sources. A prominent example of such a strategy is the TV format Dragons’ Den, which has been locally produced in many different countries. We use this intriguing case to explore the extensive and intricate co-branding relationships and brand extensions in the business-to-consumer and the business-to-business settings of TV companies. Our paper analyses global adaptations and cultural branding of Dragons’ Den; in particular, brand extensions and co-branding strategies.

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Sound & Vision
VIEW Journal

Baumann, Sabine, & Rohn, Ulrike. (2016). Meet the Predators: The Branding Practices Behind Dragons’ Den, Shark Tank, and Höhle der Löwen. VIEW Journal, 5(9), 105–115. doi:10.18146/2213-0969.2016.jethc106