Changing gears: Fast-lane design for accelerated innovation in memory organisations
Audiovisual archives are embracing the opportunities offered by digitisation for managing their work processes and offering new services to a wide array of user groups. Organisation strategy, working processes, and software development need to be able to support a culture where innovation can flourish. Some institutions are beginning to adopt the concept of "two-speed IT.” The core strategy aims to accommodate two tracks simultaneously: foundational but “slow,” and innovative but flexible and “fast." This paper outlines the rationale behind the two-speed IT strategy. It highlights a specific implementation at the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision, a large audiovisual archive and museum. Two-speed IT is enabling Sound and Vision to reach its business objectives.
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Museums and the Web | |
Museums and the Web 2016 | |
Oomen, J., Brinkerink, M., Huurnink, B., & Schuurman, J. (2016). Changing gears: Fast-lane design for accelerated innovation in memory organisations. Presented at the Museums and the Web 2016, Museums and the Web. |
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