Raamovereenkomst digitale archiveringsdienst
Template Digital Archiving Services Agreement
This template for a Digital Archiving Services Agreement between NISV and non broadcast data producers (i.c. dataproducers from outside of the public broadcast environment ) contains all arrangements and services to be mutually agreed on, as to the data formats and metadata items to be ingested, stored and preserved, to the (practical arrangements surrounding the) ingest workflow, the cataloguing of the materials, privacy measurs, copyrights and the access provisions for the data producers themselves and for third parties. Details and specified service actions (e.g. certain technical checks, metadata provisions and access conditions, based on the various preservation and storage service levels are laid down in the SLA, accompanying this contract.
Additional Metadata | |
Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision | |
Theme | Acquisition & Ingest |
Raamovereenkomst digitale archiveringsdienst. (2016). Raamovereenkomst digitale archiveringsdienst. |